The World from Coos Bay, Oregon (2024)

lese fou SPECIAL lilt. UKAY PLEASES Ills AUDIENCE AT I Tell of Importnnce of Education anil Warns Against the Dun- ger of Educated Ibid Men. i Myrtle Point pnnonnr 'lyril0 today -'ft on tho inornl.x morning las been principal of train fn. Marshfield high school. train for Crow where be is worn- 444444444 66 I'f th0 his way passed city Sundnv nn i IHjT Ut hom*o Woman Club Offer Cash Prize, for (he ltest Kept Premise In the City.

ircu Astoria where ho (:, tM U. 0. I i vtovvp at-, 'Ins, 4 ,1 FOTt WEEK n. Ot, June 14. will )eayP on th's asszz hps real.

I her home. 'vp to qutiie this afternoon after a ON TIRES AND TUBES Loral people era urged to compete 'e addre3R Jvn PP- Ponld The following mrrlaeo llrenne for the prize offered for the brst' MftcKny, pnutor of the Presby-i nave Insuud by the county kept promises In the following state- terlan church, at the commencement clerk recently: ment made by tho Woman's Club: exercise of the Marshfield hlgh J. EdwaTd Vlncer of Medford and Aspirant fcT the pr'zo offered bv chool, greatly the gradu-Claru L. Collier of Mc.rahflold. tho Marshfield Womans Club to this ale oml wthcr present.

J. Smth nJ Jennie Crowner, person making the greatest Improve- Maekay subject was Pro- both of Coqullle. ment In bis or her yard during tho pared for Democracy. He said that James R. cx Ttandon and Flos- summer months are coming in but educated scoundrel was njhljr ale Oberst of Bridge.

slowly. dangerous. He spoke of the respoa- Co-i G.IV N'ata M. Lara- Feeling that poft-lbly It Is due to 8ihlllty which fall upon the young heth of reouIPe a 0f knowledge or understand- PePle who were educated and who Reedsoort Men The mr-iv clty' Herman Bock and Johanna lng tho committee wishes to again c-ond their education to good ,44. 0f aonsfroIpTl JGI D- -0S3 was a business pas- Dorns.

both of North Dad. state the offer and the few simple advantage and warned them to RflRM fWto pVdariT I neer for Coqullle today where -d vu same; guard against the bad man who was DUKIM Ben? to Portland to take tho Shrln- he attended court. Margaret Metlin, both of To the person or persons whose ducnted and who was more danger- hpr nf 4K- oi a num-JOJfN G. MULLEX, of North Beni hcowojo Hanfon nml yard shows the greatest improvement ous than the bad man without edu- nir.I?criL Irom that clty! 0n tnornlng train for Willouehby, both of Coqullle. In point of neatness and amount of.catlon; go.

to Portland to attend the lulls on business. Herbert V. Click ml Marla E. cultivation a ca.h prize of ten dol-1 Gie course of his remarks the Bit. GEORGS E.

D1X spent Bennon, both of Marshfield. Iar wU be awarded; provided only speaker gave the graduates good nd- 'that tho person or persons desiring vice to follow through life. SAIS MAW MILL COME. (0 compete for the prize shall regls- A- A. J.

Salisbury, pasl romm.mUr 'c ta 'h the Scott Youn'j post, Spanish Amer- aJ, tlU10 ot kn and nn-'ean Var. eVterans of Portland, oth of su mer stopped eff here on bis wav to Sin 3 w.ll be mndo on amount of Francisco today to consult with local ImPro'ein'ut 1. the nembers of the order regarding the were beauty of encampment which wlll be held to the ut- Mr. Salisbury rtays that he exocts and It is In an effort to stimn-ehout 30ft delegates from different efforts along thls line that lt Is parts of the state will be present and that they are enthusiastic about com- annual pvent' are Inj? to this locality. rq To Mr.

and Mrs. Ruben wni of North Bendf Juno 14, a convention. He secon 1 Hummer at. Coqullle Mrs. E.

G. 1 erham and daughter Agnes and! Ait to are the largest uufacturlng clothiers west Chicago? VOL KNOW that our di-t selling policy, i. from uer to Wearer, eliminates (Eidileman and his profits saves thousands of men Elhsbeth. will graduate this year. 1 MRS.

RALPH NOSLER returned to j. AVill Give Lecture. Mrs. C. T.l Coqullle this afternoon.

She ha-Carpenter who has been here for been hero for medical treatment eligible and can do much to improve 4 Mrs. at 4 Business rooms. Christian Sisterhood church in North Bsnd. WEDNESDAY hfi Isaac R. Tower First National Bank Building WANTED Two neat appearing young men IS to 25 years of age to travel with advertising crewi Experience not necessary.

See WANTED Dining room girl at Petes Coffee House. 10x11 days in the interests of the ALBKT.T SCH ALLHORN, traveling Oregon Prisoner's Aid Society left, aalesman, left on the early ras Mr. Salisbury tlleir 4 with D. A. Jones, whom he opportunity.

No effort noed be cou- knew 22 years ago. He has recently Mdered too humble. returned from a business trip to China and Japan. our u8mo't to improve the community you live Youll feel better Pastime Club with Mrs. Carl Colder.

Women's Auxiliary at Pres- byterian Church. 4 THURSDAY A. N. W. Club will lneet with 'Mrs.

Mary McKniglit. Minne-Wis Club with Mrs. lng train fer the CoquiUe vallrv DR. H. M.

BRECKON arrived or the af.ernoon train from Per? land where be ha been visiting MRS. NELLIE B. SCOTT, court re porker, left for Coquille thl morning where she will attend court. i today for Reedsport where she will give a lecture tonight. Mrs.

Carpenter spoke before an audience In the Commons Mission rooms last evening. To Roo Festival. Mrs. Ray Clifford Llvinston who has been visiting hpte at the hom of Mr. WANTED Position as stenographer or bookkeeper.

Either permanent or temporary. Good references. Phone 12. 10x13 WANTED Waitresses for ldylwootf Lodge for iSundays or permanent positions. Apply at St.

Lawrence Hotel, Marshfield. lOxtfc WANTED 2 small pigs. Addrese P. O. Bot 487, North Bend.

10x11 SERfnns CHARGE IS SETTLED OUT OF COURT In! Spruce up! and be a bolter citizen. Front yard Improvement spreadj like a contagion. Got the virus in your bl .1 list ree wha't yod can do when you try. Lets all try to equal the natur-iq scenery roundabouts with the beauty and noatness of our door yards. COST OF CAMPAIGN.

Tho -Eugene Register says: It-i Tho coudIo Te- co-t the Lane County Good Roads as- Arrest of But Drops arrested sworn out by 17 years, and Tho coudIo Te- co-t the Lane County Good Roads ns-j mods of dollars every WU KNOW that through i-Iarge volume of sales we undersell any clothier in Northwest on All-Wool innents? Iff, DO YOU REALIZE it direct selling, an volume of sales, and a margin of profit, enables i to sell for less the finest its that can be bought? Our KS range from to $60. tiff, knowing these tacts sember them! The very ut time you are in need cf Suit Remember that a SOIVXSVILLE ALL-WOOL nr, costs you no more than other kind and in fact much cheaper for the rea-u it will outwear any suit ii've ever had. fHE. WOOLEN MILL STORE Uni-to-Man Clothier MARSHFIELD, ORE. Mrs.

I-llle I'e Austin" Kiser the Casa Austin Kiscer was Saturday on a complaint Mrt Lillian Long, aged wife of Jess Long. SEASIDE New logging corn- sided in a house west of the Tribbey pociatlon $2758.26 to put over the starts operations. ipartment. They had been asked to $2,000,000 road bond issue In Lane ijUslncS3 vacate the premises before the ar- mnty at the special election Mayj FREEWATER New business George Graham. 4 FRIDAY Thimble Club in North Bend.

444444444444 LOST Red female hound pup. Collar of pup bears name of owner V. Murphy. North Bend. 10x13 Mr.

Kent, St, Lawrence Hotel, 6 to 8 p. m. only. 8x13 block planned. rest was made.

1 21, according to the financial state- Mrs. Long In the warrant chareed ment filed with the secretary of a statutory crime against Kiser. The states office Wednesday by Fred ntter was put in jail Saturday night, risk, president of the association. He has been engaged In installing; lectric plant, on farms. WANT BETTER SjERMCE The case was to have com9 before' TVnnle Tustice Joehnk for trial today but the complainant and her husband! Ak Mail Improvement and the defendant and district at- q.he Western "World of Bandon torney talked the matter over and gays.

An appeal from Bandon and Cur- It was decided to drop the case. On Aa appeal from Bandon and Cur- 44444444444444 NEW TODAY I 44444444444444 FOR SALK Corner lot. Ball Park North Bend. Easy terms. -Call at 901, North Bend.

1-4x16 wanted old Growtn Yellow jr Port Orford White Cedar and Sprnce blocks for Veneer. FfcoM Of call for specifications and price a Willamette Paclflo Lumber Oo Phone 8fl North Bend. CC 44444444444444 FOR RENT 4 FOR HALF Columbia phonograph the motion of the complainant and! r0unty is going forth to the' and 26 records. Phone 250. Ask I with the consent of the district at-'Soutllern Paclfic company and toL for Freeburg.

14x16 4P44444444444 torney the case was dismissed and the office officials to have the FOR RENT 5 room house In Eastside, big garden. Call 249-J lbxtt did not come to trial. night train between Portland alfl Coos Bay carry mail for this see end Mrs. F. Lothnrd McClure left G- H- SCHULTZ, who represent for Springfield, Oregon, today to F- Norton Comnany visit with her mother and Join her, Portland, left this afternoon foi husband who is coming from Min- Coquille.

neapolls. Mr. and Mrs. Livinston J. CLAUD BLACK will leav will attend the Rose festival In 011 the night train for Portland Portland before returning east.

There he will stay a few days oi Leave for Salem. Mr. and Mrs. business. E.

W. Brainard and son MISS OLHVE TAYLOR, who has jleft for Salem today where they! been visiting friends in Florence will attend the commencement ex-j returned to her home in Leneve 'ercises at the Willamette University' his afternoon. 'where thar daughter Grace Is at- SHERMAN SMILEY, who for sora tending. Mr. and Mrs.

Brinardl has been employed at th i will go to Portland to attend tliet 'handler Hotel, left this morninj Rose festival before returning home. Reedsport to live. iMiss Crace will arrive here about lF- M- WOLFF, traveling salesmar (Thursday. or the Martin Candy Company I Visits tho Beach. Henry was a Passenger today for Pow- Hawn, the speaker who was ln! anA other valley towns, the county in the interests of ELBA TRODSON left for he: I State Chamber of Commerce was PnrBnnd todajSv Mis' taken on a trip to Sunset Bay yes-.

aas been teaching terday by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid during ujIs and Mr.

and Mrs. J. S. Lyons. In MIIE SOMERS, who has been iting his daugnter, Miss Mar Somers, during the week end, re turned to Powers this afternoon MRS.

ERNEST HILL and son re turned to their home in Portland i today after a visit here at thf home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rhodes. iiMRS.

J. and daughter Anona will leave on the City of Topeka for San Franciscc where they will visit with relatives and friends. H. W. VAN BILDERBEEK returned to Powers today after vis- iting with his son, Hubert, whr is in the Mercy hospital suffering from the effects of a broken leg sustained a few days ago.

MRS. THOMAS TENNYSON and daughter Twila were, among the arrivals from Coquille this morning. They will visit here unti tomorrow at the home of Mr and Mrs. Oran B. Haverly anc' will then go to Portland to spend a few days.

THEATRE TALMADGE AND LIES comedy drama. for Norma to do. in the Liberty Theatre ralsi specla is: 0 rease pment ry in; of alU itrest icreasi Co; of i 20RE rd of las NOTICE If party who took vacuum ice cream carrier and ice cream from rear porch of Bertrams residence Saturday evening, will turn the ice cream can to Landoc no questions will be asked. 14x14 FOR SALE Solid oak dining table. Phone 419-R.

4x14 FOR RENT 2-room apartment, lis bldg. $16. Phone Dr. Leslie. 28xtl ICE CREAM STOLEN.

iVhen a was given for Bays the junior high' school i at the j'' odd. home of F. y. Bertram Saturday ev- It Is argued that a great saving ning someone stole thq ice cream I time could be effected. A letter which was on the hack porch? When then mailed here at noon could -it came time to serve the refresh-, reach Portland early the following ments it was found that the ice morning.

It is calculated that at cream had disappeared. The matter least six hours would be saved in was reported to the police. time between Portland and Bandon, end the time between Portland am LE FOR RENT 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms at corner of Fourth and Anderson. Phone 294-R. 4xtt Curry county points could he shortened almost a day.

The service a would he operative three days a GRAND JURY MEMBERS. The members of the grand jury whi werraphnerfor rhis term were: F. E. Allen. Marshfield; J.

A. I ln Lc FOR RENT Furnished house, $20 per month. F. E. Co.

1 1 4xtf A Morrison, Bullards; C. G. Stadden, Sumner; J. A. Lamb, -Coquille; F.

A. Spencer, Myrtle Point; Geo. A. Robinson, Coquille; F. M.

Hufford, Coquille, with J. A. -Lamb, foreman. he a decided advantage to this community. It Is understood that the proposed servic- meets with th approval ct the Myrtle Point Transportation company, carriers between Coquille and Bandon, and that they would cooporato with the Southern in making the proper con-1 EPISCOPAL GUILD TO CLOSE FOP.

SEASON inections, gladly Pacific It is not intended however that TONIGHT NORMA in SHE LOVES A rollicking Something different It just finished a long run in Portland. A RED HOT FINISH Latest Rainbow Comedy PRIZMA NATURE PICTURES Beautiful stuff. TWO FULL SHOWS Admission 30c, Children 10c Wednesday night-mary pickford in pol- LYANNA, her greatest picture, in eight reels. FOR SALE Standard Oil team of blacks, 2875 pounds, fine shape. See TODD the present daily mail service should; Last Meeting of the mon Will Be b0 discontinued The desire ls t0 Held at Guild Hall have additional service by ONE NEW CASE.

establishing connections with the night train. KENT Or will sell, furntsbi ed bungalow, $200 down, $25 par month. F. B. Conway Co.

lxtl 44444444444444 444444 444444 4 4 FOR SALE 44444444444444 FOR SALE lllack mare, weight about one thousand pounds. Address C. C. Wilson, Marshfield. 12x15 .1 FOR SALE 40 acre ranch 4 mile from Hauser.

Good well fram house 16 16, 1-2 acre potatoes, pasture, place for chickens, price $800. George Lodge, Hauser. 11x15 FOR SALE 1018 Bnick 4, touring i car, in good condition. Two new tires, a bargain. Will give terms.

Phone 3(134. 11x17 i FOR SALE In Englewood, modern 6 room bungalow, lot 100 by 120. See L. E. Hendrix, 927 S.

5th St. lOxtf FOR SALE By owner, bargain for quick Bale, 40 acres, 5 miles out fen the county road from town, 1-2 mile to boat landing, 2 1-2 acres of strawberr Jjs In full bearing, 7 room house, chicken house to accommodate 200' chickens, all out buildings in good condition, good water supply $3,000 cash with personal propen. ty included. F. care Times 1 0x1ft1 The only case filed in the circuil court this week was the divorce suit of I.

E. Barr vs. Samuej. R. Barr.

The Members of the Episcopal Guild will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 oclock at the Guild hall. This will be the last meeting of the season as the organization will suspend during the vacation months. In connection with the meeting! there will be a bazar and sale of aprons, rugs and other RAINIER building new Odd Fellows hall, drug store, city hall and flouring mill. Dwellings are badly needed. RAINIER Oddfellows to build new $12,000 home.

Standard Oil Co. WANTED MILTON Construction of auto Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Look will i tourist park under way. rwiimO mokjiccjtchc9 4 4 and gold 4444444444 between Englewood High School, ladys watch, be the hostesses, and ice cream and cake vill 1)8 served.

FLORENCE shingle mill is in operation. filled, engraved case, Trenton movement. Reward. Leave at Times office M. I.

B. 12x14 WANTED Alder veneor logs. Apply to Coos-Veneer and Box Co. or Hugh McLain. 12xtt Coos Bay-Coquille AUTO STAGE WANTED Reliable man every locality, spare time, for criminal secret service work.

Send photographs, give age and reference to Box 864, Seattle, Wash. YVTHEN somebody tells you of a battery that has come through a longlife and had some hard knocks along the way, dont put him down as a windjammer. But you can bet on it that if the tale is gospel-true he had a good battery to start with and he gave it a square deal. Ask about the Still Better Willard. WANTED Position as stenograph- FOR SALE Large bay home, going on 9 years, weighs about 1600.

Is now working on Coquille road. Inquire of Chris Grohs. Phone 3111 North Bend. 3xt! er or bookkeeper. Either permanent or temporary.

Good references. Phone 12 from 8 a. m. to 10x12 'FOR SALE Completely furnished Good cars nnd quick service and reliable drivers. Trip made in about one hour from Chandler hotel in Marshfield to Baxter hotel in Coquille.

Connects with Roseburg, Myrtle Point Bandon stages at Coquille. house on garden $200 dow $29 per month. See F. E. Conway isjt WANTED A meat cutter, all around man.

Apply Box 44, Powers, Ore. 4xtf WANTED Second goods: 822 Phone 80J. 12x4 tf North. Front St. TONIGHT ONLY Did you see ENID BENNETT 1 "I in FUSS AND FEATHERS Without, a doubt as fine a picture as want to look at.

Rich with comedy, delightful with romance. -1 INTERNATIONAL NEWS WEEKLY LIONS MORAN COMEDY ftYO FULL SHOWS Regular Prices: 25c, 10c NIGHT MOLLY KING in SUSPENSE A real thriller. Carter de Haven comedies. FOR SALE House, lot and rfu lure at 2 9 Central Avenue, fwf particulars address House'1 eaffc Coos Bay Time. 9x13 EJf Coos Bay Battery Co.

Front St. Anderson and Far $1 each way. Indian Motorcycle and CAR St cl BARGAIN EASY TERMS E. W. Barnum 312 Front St.

Marshfield, Ore. imiimiir WANTED Experienced HAZER Leave Marshfield 7:30 a. m. lp.m. 5 p- m.

Coquille 10 a. m. 3:80 p. m. 6:80 p.

m. also young lady to learn waiting on table. The Steward, Chandler Hotel. 8xtf HARDVARE COMPANY Phone 381 North Bend CJSiRVICECI Lewelien Bryant Proprietor ok. 167 wor It.

WANTED Man for ranch married or single. Phone 3 or address trauk E. Rogers, So. i Coos River, Vt 7.

The World from Coos Bay, Oregon (2024)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.